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Top 8 Benefits of Personalisation of eLearning

December 13, 2017 | By - Asha Pandey


Top 8 Benefits of Personalisation of eLearning

As we know, eLearning enables organisations to reach out to a wider audience in one go. However, as the same programme is now offered to very heterogeneous learners it often brings in an associated challenge. Learners of different proficiencies, varied learning styles necessarily need to go through the same programme but this need not be the case. You can opt for personalised eLearning and offer the customised approach a learner seeks.

In this blog, I begin with a definition of personalised eLearning and how it can be offered. I also touch upon the top 8 benefits of personalisation of eLearning.

What is personalised eLearning or personalisation of eLearning?

Personalised eLearning or personalisation of eLearning is the process of customising eLearning so that it meets the specific needs of learners.

How can you provide personalised eLearning?

There are several ways to personalise eLearning notably:

  • Basic level options: You can have learners select an Avatar. This can be accompanied by other basic personalisation of eLearning where they can choose their themes, fonts, backgrounds and so on.
  • Options to manage varied learning styles: You can provide options that can address the varied learning styles. These include personalised options for audio, the degree of interaction and even different delivery formats (video vs interactive learning) and so on.
  • Customised learning path: This is the most advanced approach to offer personalised eLearning and you can opt for:
    • Role selection: Depending on the role, each learner is given the appropriate learning path (rather than having to go through the entire content).
    • Pre-assessments: Scores from this test provide different learning paths to learners that map to their current proficiency.
    • Surveys: Instead of pre-assessments, you can ask the learner to identify their current proficiency or interest area and then offer the customised learning path.

What are the key benefits of personalisation?

Personalisation of eLearning is designed to empower learners. Instead of “one size fits all”, they are now given what they need. This increases their interest and learning is more focused and will eventually result in a more definitive gain for the time spent on eLearning course.

Specifically, personalised eLearning enables learners to:

  1. Set their own goals
  2. Set manageable milestones
  3. Select their own learning path
  4. Select the device they wish to learn on
  5. Take the learning at their own pace
  6. Select the kind of interaction levels they feel is relevant to them
  7. Get personalised feedback and use it to assess their progress
  8. Use the offered recommendations to enrich the learning path

I hope this blog provides you with compelling reasons on why you should adopt personalised eLearning in your organisation and the benefits you would get. If you have any queries, do contact me at apandey@eidesign.net.

Need More? Want more insights on how to personalise your eLearning so that it resonates better with each learner?

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