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7 Obstacles To Avoid When Creating Microlearning Online Training Resources

June 5, 2017 | By - Asha Pandey


Obstacles to Avoid When Creating Microlearning Online Resources

Bite-size learning may be easy to digest, but creating these little jewels of wisdom can be fraught with challenges. In this article, I’ll highlight 7 obstacles to avoid when creating microlearning online training resources for your corporate eLearning program. 

What To Avoid When Creating Microlearning Online Training Resources

Microlearning online training resources impart need-to-know information that solves common problems and builds vital skills. One might think that developing quick and concise online training materials would be an easy task. After all, it should require less time and fewer online training resources, right? The simple truth is that microlearning development can have just as many roadblocks as traditional corporate eLearning projects. Here are the top 7 obstacles to steer clear of when creating microlearning online training resources for your corporate eLearning program.

1. Information Overload

There’s an abundance of information you need to cover, but microlearning online training resources can only handle so much. Otherwise, they turn into four-course meals instead of bite-size bits of knowledge. It’s essential to whittle the subject matter down to the basics and focus on one key learning objective per microlearning resource. Don’t try to cover too much ground. If you do need to include a variety of stats, facts, and ideas, create multiple microlearning online training resources, each of which should focus on individual sub-topics or skills that corporate learners must acquire. This also helps to prevent cognitive overload and improves memory retention, which is one of the primary benefits of microlearning.

2. Ineffective Use Of Microlearning

There are times when microlearning just isn’t the answer. For example, when you deal with a more involved subject matter that involves long-term goals or complex ideas. You must know when to use bite-size online training resources and when to opt for traditional modules. That said, you can still utilize microlearning online training resources to provide ongoing support and improve comprehension. For example, break a complicated skill or task into several online training tutorials, videos, or simulations. Corporate learners are able to gradually build experience when it’s most convenient for them. Before you begin developing microlearning, ask yourself whether it’s the right tool for the task, or if you should consider a more comprehensive approach for your online training program.

3. Lack Of Practical Application

Corporate learners must be able to actually apply the information in real-world settings. As such, you need to put the knowledge into a practical context in order to give your corporate learners real value. This may include online training simulations, branching scenarios, and real-world examples to tie the subject matter to relevant challenges and situations. Namely, issues that corporate learners may encounter during their day-to-day lives or tasks, and goals they have to accomplish in order to fulfill their potential. You should also focus on a specific desired outcome when creating each microlearning online training resource. For example, a certain behavior or skill that corporate learners need to develop.

4. Paying Too Much Attention To The Clock

It’s true, microlearning online training resources should be brief and to the point. However, time limits aren’t the only consideration. You must also think about the scope of the microlearning online training resource. How much information do your corporate learners need to complete the task or improve their understanding? The key is to provide them with the essentials they require as quickly as possible. More importantly, in a format that is easy to digest and comprehend. It’s perfectly acceptable to go over that arbitrary 5-minute time limit if you need to expand on the subject. Otherwise, you may end up with just bits and pieces of information that confuse your corporate learners.

5. Sticking To One Delivery Format

You include a good mix of materials in your traditional eLearning course design. The same rule should apply to your microlearning online training repositories. Different corporate learners have different requirements and needs. Therefore, you must cater to a variety of learning needs and preferences. For example, visual learners prefer microlearning online training videos and demos while tactile learners like more interactive online training content, such as serious games. Try to avoid a single delivery format when compiling your microlearning online training library.

6. Repurposing Existing Online Training Resources With Reckless Abandon

You already have a catalog of online training content on your computer. So, why not just reuse your existing online training materials to create brand new microlearning online training resources? This approach may be the most convenient, but not the most effective. Here are some tips to help you reuse your online training resources to develop microlearning content.

  1. Start With An Online Asset Inventory
    Evaluate your current online training materials after you narrow down your learning objectives or goals. This allows you to focus on the online assets that are relevant, instead of trying to figure out how you’ll adapt current assets that really don’t fit the bill. You can always repurpose the “leftover” online training content for future corporate eLearning projects.
  2. Invest In A Rapid eLearning Authoring Tool
    Use a rapid eLearning authoring tool to add fresh images, eLearning templates, and other media to your microlearning online training resources. You can also use these tools to repurpose online training materials that made the cut. Video editing and recording tools are also a wise investment.
  3. Develop New Online Training Resources With Microlearning In Mind
    Before you develop your next online training presentation, course, or activity, consider the criteria for microlearning. For example, incorporate distinct sections into your next webinar so that you can break it up into microlearning online training modules.

7. Stale Or Outdated Microlearning Online Training Libraries

Microlearning online trainning resources should be updated on a regular basis. At the very least, it’s a good idea to review your microlearning online training library to verify that everything is in working order. For example, all of the links are still active and the online training content is still current, as some subject matters may change over time; especially trends or compliance topics. Schedule periodic updates for your microlearning online training repositories to ensure that they’re still fresh and relevant.

These microlearning challenges can plague any corporate eLearning project, regardless of the subject matter, intended audience, or learning objectives. The secret is to plan for them in advance so that they don’t catch you off guard. It also helps to have a talented eLearning team and top-notch eLearning authoring tools on hand to make the development process run smoothly.

Do you know how to find the right eLearning authoring tool to develop microlearning content? Read the article 6 Tips To Find The Right Microlearning Authoring Tool to discover the perfect eLearning authoring tool to produce high quality microlearning content.

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