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How to Measure the Business Impact of Your Training and Development Programs

December 9, 2020 | By - Asha Pandey


Organizations make steady investments in training and development programs every year. With COVID-19 and the changed workplace dynamics, the work from home mode has led organizations to make significant investments in rapid Virtual Training.

As a result, today—more than ever—there is a need to assess the business impact of these trainings. These insights can help organizations determine which training and development programs are aligned to the business goals and update/modify the ones that aren’t.

This innovative presentation offers insights that can be used to not only measure but maximize the business impact of your training and development programs.

Determining the business impact of your training and development programs is a complex exercise – with several inherent challenges. Hope this presentation provides easy to apply cues that you can use to effectively measure and maximize the business impact of your trainings.

Want more?

Book a consultation session to measure and maximize the business impact of your trainings.

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