Home :: Insights :: Top 6 Strategies to Shorten Time-to-Productivity Through Employee Onboarding Training

Top 6 Strategies to Shorten Time-to-Productivity Through Employee Onboarding Training

June 24, 2020 | By - Asha Pandey


The success of any staffing initiative lies not just in finding and hiring the right talent but also in how quickly new hires get productive. And the lynchpin to effective Time-to-Productivity is the employee onboarding training that each new hire receives.

The speed at which new inductees become productive often determines the Return on Investment (ROI) generated by corporate training programs at large.

In this Infographic, we share our top 6 strategies to shorten Time-to-Productivity through employee onboarding training.


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Along with other Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) associated with HR and staffing processes, Time-to-Productivity sheds light on the effectiveness of an organization’s hiring and onboarding process.

We hope the strategies shared in this Infographic will help you compress the Time-to-Productivity of your employee onboarding training programs.

Our well-designed employee Induction and Onboarding training programs play a key role in shortening Time-to-Productivity for our customers. Contact us if you are looking for an effective, dynamic, and scalable approach to induct and onboard your employees.

Reach out to us.


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