Home :: Insights :: Infographic on Creating High-Impact Blended Training Programs – 7 Amazing Examples

Infographic on Creating High-Impact Blended Training Programs – 7 Amazing Examples

January 10, 2019 | By - Asha Pandey


Businesses are looking to train a wider audience in a shorter time, and learners want the flexibility to learn in their own fashion. For these reasons, businesses now seek to shift from traditional ILT programs to blended training.

It can be a challenging task to transition your training program from ILT to blended training. We, at EI, can help you offset these transitioning challenges by providing you with 7 amazing examples from our repository.

The following is an infographic on the 7 examples of adopting a Blended Training approach.

Infographic on Creating High-Impact Blended Training Programs - 7 Amazing Examples


If you have any queries or need any specific support, do contact me at apandey@eidesign.net.

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