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3 Microlearning Strategies to Promote Learning in the Flow of Work

October 14, 2020 | By - Asha Pandey


“Learning in the flow of work,” a concept advanced by Josh Bersin, addresses how employees perform new or challenging work tasks. They discover relevant information and resources related to the challenge and set out to learn all they can about it. They then apply what they’ve learned to the work situation that launched their journey of learning discovery.

Unlike Formal Learning content, learning in the flow of work requires targeted, concise, and focused content. Long-form macro content just won’t work in these environments and Microlearning content is ideal to create successful learning in the flow of work environments. Take a look at this Infographic where we share our top 3 strategies to promote learning in the flow of work.

3 Microlearning Strategies to Promote Learning in the Flow of Work

In a dynamically changed work-world, employees don’t have a lot of time to invest in Formal Learning, and organizations seek any competitive edge they can leverage. As a result, learning in the flow of work is the new paradigm. Microlearning offers a win-win learning in the flow of work solution, for both employees and organizations.

We are sure that the 3 Microlearning strategies shared in this Infographic will help you improve your training by driving learning in the flow of work.

Want to learn more? Reach out to us.

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