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Free eBook: How To Choose The Right Kind Of Video For Your Employee Training

June 19, 2019 | By - Asha Pandey


This free eBook, How To Choose the Right Kind Of Video For Your Employee Training – Featuring 15 Formats That You Must Use In 2019, provides strategies and examples of how you can integrate video-based learning into your corporate training strategy.

Choosing The Right Kind Of Video For Employee Training

Every day, we watch videos for entertainment or learning. It comes as no surprise that video-based learning is becoming a significant component of online training today.

Video-based learning is now center stage on account of the higher adoption of mobile learning as well as microlearning.

Learners love video-based learning as:

  • It can be consumed on the go.
  • It can be completed quickly (because of the short, bite-sized format).
  • It is highly engaging.
  • It creates a sticky learning experience as it is easy to recall and retain.

L&D teams see its value on account of its flexibility to:

  1. Complement or supplement formal training
  2. Support ILT/VILT

Additionally, video-based learning can be used very effectively to offer:

  1. Instant job aids
  2. Informal learning
  3. Social learning

Given the wide range of available options, the focus shifts on how to choose the right kind of video for employee training that can create the desired impact of performance gain or behavioral change.

How Will The eBook Help You?

Videos have been used for employee training for several years now.

This free eBook, How to Choose the Right Kind of Video for Your Employee Training – Featuring 15 Formats That You Must Use in 2019, will help you integrate video-based learning into your corporate training strategy.

  • It features EI’s holistic approach of a Learning and Performance Ecosystem that will enable you to maximize the impact of your video-based training.
  • It also provides new ideas and NextGen solutions (including interactive videos and microlearning videos) that are a part of 6 must-have video-based learning strategies you should adopt in 2019.
  • Through 15 examples, it shows you how you can use video-based learning for formal training, Performance Support, or informal training.

Watch the webinar on the same topic – How to Choose the Right Kind of Video for Your Employee Training – Featuring 15 Formats That You Must Use in 2019.

Co-hosted by eLearningIndustry.com, you can join the webinar on the same topic on Thu, June 6th ’19 at 11 AM, EDT. Loaded with examples and live demos, this webinar will surely provide ideas you can definitely use in your training.

More About The eBook

I have structured the eBook, How to Choose the Right Kind of Video for Your Employee Training – Featuring 15 Formats That You Must Use in 2019, to address the following questions:

  1. Why should you adopt video-based learning?
  2. What are the benefits of the video-based learning strategy?
  3. What value does video-based learning offer for corporate training?
  4. Where can video-based learning be used?
  5. Are there any drawbacks or limitations that you should be aware of as you opt for training videos for employees?
  6. What kind of training videos would resonate with your employees?
  7. How can you maximize the potential of video-based learning to train your employees?
  8. What video-based learning strategies you must adopt in 2019?
  9. What tips can help you maximize the impact of the video-based learning strategy?

The 4 Sections Of The eBook

Section 1
This section covers the basics of video-based learning. It takes you through the benefits and the value that video-based learning offers, and why you should adopt it.

Section 2
This section outlines the practical aspects of how exactly you can use video-based learning. It highlights what kind of training videos would deliver the desired impact. More specifically, it focusses on how you can maximize the impact of using video-based learning.

Section 3
This section outlines the video-based learning strategies you should adopt in 2019. It lists 6 strategies that you could pick for adoption this year.

Section 4
The last section of the eBook features 15 examples that will provide cues on how you can use video-based learning in your organization.

The Impact

Video-based learning strategies play a very significant role in establishing a culture of continuous learning in your organization.

  • They lend themselves to align with the learners’ needs for personal and professional development.
  • They score high on the engagement quotient.
  • Bite-sized learning nuggets enable learners to learn on the go or practice during their waiting periods.

The impact of using video-based learning for your employees would be evident in:

  • Higher engagement
  • Better completion rates
  • Better retention and recall
  • Better performance support leading to better application of the acquired learning
  • Increased focus on informal learning
  • Higher ROI on your training spend

If you have any specific queries, do contact me or leave a comment below.

If you feel more than interested to learn more about the benefits video-based learning can provide your business with, discover all about those just be downloading our free eBook, How to Choose the Right Kind of Video for Your Employee Training – Featuring 15 Formats That You Must Use in 2019.

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