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Free eBook: eLearning Trends In 2019 – Your Guide To Enhance, Measure, Maximize The Impact And Returns On Your Learning Strategies In 2019

January 31, 2019 | By - Asha Pandey


This free eBook, eLearning Trends in 2019, the fourth one in this series, has been designed to be your guide to enhance, measure, and maximize the impact and returns on your learning strategies in 2019.

eLearning Trends In 2019 – Your Guide To Enhance, Measure, Maximize The Impact And Returns On Your Learning Strategies In 2019

As I began my exercise on the eLearning Trends in 2019, the fourth one in this series, I took a step back to see why anyone seeks upcoming trends. I found that the top 5 reasons why L&D teams look at eLearning trends year on year are to adopt new or better approaches that:

  • Keep the learners engaged.
  • Ensure knowledge acquisition happens.
  • Facilitate the application of the acquired learning on the job.
  • The desired performance gain and ROI occurs.
  • A positive ROI on training spend is established.

I took this need as the thread to share the eLearning Trends in 2019.

  1. I begin my eBook with a typical learner journey that highlights how modern learners learn and what they wish to see in their online training delivery.
  2. Then, I list the trends that help learners learn and, more significantly, apply this learning to show better performance or the required behavioral change.
  3. Next, I outline trends featuring learning strategies with a proven track record of delivering a better engagement quotient and higher training impact.
  4. I follow this up with a list of trends that organizations must invest on to measure, enhance, and maximize the impact of their training.
  5. I wrap up with trends that are clearly emerging as front-runners for investment in the very near future.

What Is Unique About This eBook – eLearning Trends In 2019?

In this eBook, eLearning Trends In 2019 – Your Guide To Enhance, Measure, Maximize The Impact And Returns On Your Learning Strategies In 2019, I have taken a unique approach in illustrating the context and relevance of a trend.

I trace the learning journey of modern learners with a focus on how today’s learning must mesh with their daily lives and offer them varied formats to learn from (on devices of their choice, notably smartphones).

With this backdrop, I walk you through the various eLearning Trends in 2019 and how you can use them to enhance the impact of your training.

In each trend, I have highlighted how it is being used and what is my assessment of how the trend will evolve in 2019.

The eBook is structured into 4 sections. I have logically grouped the eLearning trends in 2019 with a focus on their use and the impact.

  • For each trend, I have added a “quotable quote” from specialists that re-affirms its value.
  • Additionally, I provide an important statistic to show you its impact.

Section 1 – The trends that help learners learn and apply this learning to show better performance or behavioral change.

  1. Mobile Learning.
  2. Digitalization of ILT (to Blended or Fully Online).
  3. Performance Support Tools.
  4. Informal Learning.
  5. Social Learning.
  6. Self-Directed Learning.

Section 2 – Learning strategies with a proven track record of delivering a better engagement quotient and higher training impact.

  1. Microlearning.
  2. Gamification.
  3. Video Based Learning (Videos and Interactive Videos).
  4. Mobile Apps for Learning.
  5. Personalization.
  6. Curation and User Generated Content.

Section 3 – The trends that organizations must invest on to measure, enhance, and maximize the impact of their training.

  1. Learning Engagement Platforms – LXP.
  2. Learner Analytics.
  3. Big Data-Reporting and Analytics.

Section 4 – Other notable trends to watch out for—the future is here!

  1. AR/VR and MR for Immersive Learning.
  2. Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Learning.

The Impact

eLearning Trends In 2019 – Your Guide To Enhance, Measure, Maximize The Impact And Returns On Your Learning Strategies In 2019 is designed to help you pick the eLearning trends that matter and that can be applied to enhance your current approach.

If you have any queries or need any specific support, do contact me at apandey@eidesign.net.

Do download the eBook: eLearning Trends In 2019 – Your Guide To Enhance, Measure, Maximize The Impact And Returns On Your Learning Strategies In 2019 .

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