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Compliance Simplified: Using Creative Instructional Design Approaches

March 16, 2016 | By - Asha Pandey


Compliance Simplified Using Creative Instructional Design Approaches

I am a strong advocate of using Creative Instructional Design approaches, particularly for Compliance initiatives.

As I see it, given the significance of the Compliance mandate, there should be a higher focus on using approaches that appeal to the learners, impart learning that will stick, and finally, ensure that this learning indeed gets applied at work.

Compliance Simplified: Using Creative Instructional Design Approaches

Let me use this case study to illustrate how we created an effective learning experience. As you would note, the course reflects a typical Compliance need. While the business mandate was to ensure that all employees are aware of Insider Trading, we took on the challenge to create an engaging and immersive learning experience rather than a page-turner followed by a list of questions!

We used our creative Instructional Design capability as follows:

Intro animation: We used a very engaging animation format to begin the course by posing a series of questions to gain the learners’ attention. We added some of the possible queries that the learners may have had that led them to the course. We believed that with this approach, the learners will connect better to the course.

Setting the context and significance of the course: Rather than taking a prescriptive approach on why this course is important, we added a small but compelling video from a subject matter expert. It established the context, the significance of why learners must understand the implications of Insider Trading, and logically took them to the learning frames.

Establishing a strong foundation: Again, rather than over-loading the learners with several key definitions that they must understand, we provided the definitions through multiple nuggets in varied and interesting formats. This approach reduced the cognitive overload and the interesting, varied formats facilitated better recall and retention.

Creating a background of the law that controls Insider Trading: Obviously, the information on laws was rather dry but extremely significant. We used a video again to uplift the dry content and engage the learners as the various facets of the law were detailed out.

Usage of scenarios in three formats: This was the most significant component of our learning strategy. We used real life situations and scenarios to ensure learners could:

    • Explore, analyze, and apply (to reinforce learning and apply it effectively at work)
    • Choose the right path (to reinforce the right action)
    • Self-assess their understanding through Knowledge Checks

To go further..

I have written several articles on how to create effective Compliance courses (focusing on Creative Instructional Design) that will instill the spirit of “why comply” in your learners leading to a successful Compliance mandate.

Do refer to these articles to gain insight on using Creative Instructional Design-based learning strategies. Additionally, you can see how you can supplement or complement Compliance courses with Performance Support Tools (PSTs) and achieve a higher application of this learning.

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