Home :: Insights :: 8 Examples of Video Based Learning That Will Help You Deliver High-impact mLearning

8 Examples of Video Based Learning That Will Help You Deliver High-impact mLearning

August 7, 2019 | By - Asha Pandey


We are seeing a rapid increase in the adoption of Video Based Learning on account of the wider usage of mLearning or Mobile Learning.

To maximize the impact of your online training,

  • You can use the combination of Video Based Learning and mLearning.
  • Training can be delivered as Microlearning nuggets and consumed on smartphones and tablets in an mLearning format.

Take a look at this Infographic where we showcase 8 examples of Video Based Learning that will help you create high-impact mLearning solutions.

The featured examples illustrate how you can use Video Based Learning across various learner needs. This is not all! They can be used to create awareness and interest before the roll-out of your key initiatives

As you would have noted, Video Based Learning can be used to uplift the impact of your mLearning solutions across your diverse corporate training needs.

We hope this Infographic shows you how you can use Video Based Learning that will help you deliver high-impact mLearning. Want to learn more? Reach out to us at www.eidesign.net/contact-us/

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