Home :: Insights :: 7 Must-See Corporate Induction And Onboarding Training Examples Featuring Strategies That Work

7 Must-See Corporate Induction And Onboarding Training Examples Featuring Strategies That Work

October 4, 2018 | By - Soma Bhaduri


7 Must-See Corporate Induction And Onboarding Training Examples Featuring Strategies That Work

With hybrid workplaces becoming the norm, it’s crucial to revamp traditional onboarding processes. This article explores 7 examples of enhancing corporate induction and onboarding via online or blended approaches for seamless new hire integration.

In today’s landscape of hybrid workplaces and a diverse, multigenerational workforce, it is crucial to update the induction and onboarding process. While traditional face-to-face induction methods are impactful, they face challenges in a modern work environment. Organizations are increasingly adopting blended or fully online approaches to accommodate flexible work arrangements and cater to a diverse workforce. This shift ensures efficient, inclusive, and adaptable onboarding processes, reflecting the evolving workplace dynamics and enhancing the positive image of the organization.

What Are the Challenges Organizations Face with Onboarding New Employees?

The challenges organizations face with onboarding new employees in current times include:

  • New Employee Retention:

    High attrition rates post-pandemic, with many employees seeking new positions or changing jobs, making retention a significant challenge.

  • Remote/Hybrid Workforce Onboarding:

    Adapting to the shift towards remote and hybrid working models, which necessitates a different approach to onboarding.

  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Challenges:

    The diverse and increasingly remote workforce brings new DEI challenges, with some groups more impacted by remote work conditions.

What Is Induction Training?

Organizations utilize induction training as a fundamental process to welcome and prepare new employees for their roles. It serves several key functions:

  • Orientation: Acquaints new hires with the company culture, policies, and their specific roles and responsibilities.
  • Skill Development: Provides essential training to equip employees with the skills required for their position.
  • Organizational Integration: Helps new staff integrate into the company, promoting a sense of belonging and understanding of organizational structure and goals.

Induction training yields multifaceted benefits, enhancing employee performance, satisfaction, and retention, and contributing to overall organizational efficiency and culture. It’s a critical first step in an employee’s journey within a company, setting the tone for their experience and future contributions.

What Are the Benefits of a Well-Designed Corporate Induction Training Program?

The new employees gain the following benefits from a well-designed corporate induction and onboarding training program:

  • Clarity and Confidence:

    Provides clear understanding of job roles and responsibilities, boosting confidence.

  • Networking Opportunities:

    Helps in building connections with colleagues and superiors.

  • Understanding Company Culture:

    Familiarizes with the company’s culture, values, and ethics.

  • Skill Enhancement:

    Offers training in necessary skills and knowledge for the role.

  • Reduced Anxiety:

    Reduces the initial anxiety and stress of joining a new workplace.

  • Career Development:

    Sets a foundation for ongoing learning and career development.

From an organizational perspective, a well-designed corporate induction and onboarding training program provides the following benefits to the business:

  • Enhanced Employee Productivity:

    Proper training from the outset equips employees with the skills and knowledge needed to perform effectively, leading to increased productivity.

  • Reduced Turnover:

    Effective induction training can improve employee retention by fostering a sense of belonging and loyalty.

  • Consistency in Performance:

    It ensures all employees have a consistent understanding of their roles and responsibilities, leading to uniformity in performance standards.

  • Improved Employee Engagement:

    Engaging induction programs can boost morale and job satisfaction, leading to more motivated employees.

  • Risk Mitigation:

    By educating new hires about company policies and procedures, induction training helps in mitigating risks related to non-compliance or workplace incidents.

  • Faster Integration:

    A comprehensive induction process facilitates faster integration of new employees into productive team members.

  • Positive Company Culture:

    Induction training can be used to instill and reinforce the company’s values and culture right from the start.

What Are the Key Components of a Well-Structured Induction Program?

Key components of induction training are essential for a successful onboarding process. These include:

  • Company Orientation:

    Introducing the company’s history, culture, values, and organizational structure.

  • Role-Specific Training:

    Detailed information about the job role, responsibilities, and expectations.

  • Policies and Procedures:

    Overview of company policies, safety protocols, and administrative procedures.

  • Networking Opportunities:

    Facilitating introductions and networking with key team members and departments.

  • Mentorship and Support:

    Assigning a mentor or buddy for guidance and support.

  • Feedback and Evaluation:

    Mechanisms for new hires to give and receive feedback on the induction process.

  • Ongoing Learning Resources:

    Providing access to additional learning materials for continuous development.

Which Learning Strategies Can Enhance the Effectiveness of Online/Blended Corporate Induction and Onboarding Training Programs?

To create effective induction training programs, several learning strategies can be employed, each with specific benefits:

  • Blended Learning:

    Merges online and offline methods, offering flexibility and catering to different learning styles. It allows for self-paced online learning combined with interactive in-person sessions for deeper understanding.

  • E-Learning Modules:

    These provide interactive and engaging content accessible anytime, anywhere, supporting continuous and self-directed learning.

  • Gamification:

    Incorporates game elements to boost engagement and motivation, making learning more enjoyable and memorable.

  • Social Learning:

    Encourages learning through peer interaction and collaboration, fostering a community learning environment.

  • Microlearning:

    Delivers bite-sized content, ideal for retaining information and fitting learning into busy schedules.

  • Scenario Based Learning:

    Uses real-life scenarios to develop practical skills and decision-making, enhancing applicability in the workplace.

  • Feedback and Evaluation Tools:

    Essential for tracking progress, these tools allow for adaptive learning, ensuring the program meets individual needs.

How Do You Transform Induction and Onboarding for the Hybrid/Remote Workplace?

Remote working is here to stay! One in four employees surveyed said they’d quit if remote work was no longer available. Given the scale of a shift toward hybrid work, organizations must reconsider their induction and onboarding strategies. And that means rethinking how induction works.

Organizations can reimagine their induction and onboarding strategies, and pivot to hybrid onboarding, by keeping the following in mind:

Have a preboarding process and start before the employees’ first day:

Onboarding training best practices recommend that HR initiates the integration process even before the employees’ first day at work. This approach, called preboarding, will help save a lot of time and stress on the formal onboarding date.

Preboarding ensures hybrid workers review much of the information, complete pre-processes (Organizational Intro, Mission, Values, chain-of-command, log-in profiles, shared drives and folders, user-IDs, physical access credentials for in-person visits), and submit all necessary “paperwork” before they log-in/show up for their initial onboarding session.

  • The need to make training purposeful, flexible, and agile: Virtual employees define their own learning schedules, and they prefer learning on the go. Knowledge workers also prefer goal-oriented learning that’s purpose-directed, for example, training that enhances performance, helps them do things better and more effectively, or teaches them new skills they can use, as opposed to “ticking” a training box.
  • Enhance the onboarding experience for a hybrid workforce by designing journeys: New hire induction and onboarding are part of the larger journey of assimilating new employees into the organization. The extended onboarding journey typically begins once an employment contract is signed, flows into pre-boarding procedures (day 1), and then continues through induction and orientation over the next few weeks/months on the job.

Hybrid workplace HR teams must tailor their hybrid onboarding processes to deliver a seamless onboarding journey, beginning from induction and extending through successful integration into the team.

Build comprehensive roadmaps to improve new hire retention/integration and performance:

  • 30-60-90 plan (first 100 days): The previously quoted Brandon Hall study underlines the need to closely monitor the onboarding and integration process for at least the initial period of onboarding – or else employees may quit within the first 6 months. It is therefore important to have short-term planning milestones to monitor performance and ensure a smooth integration result.
  • Longer roadmaps that last for 6-12 months: Research has linked greater on-the-job learning to higher employee retention rates, better performance, and a more satisfied workforce. It’s important to also, therefore, add comprehensive Learning and Performance milestones beyond the initial 6-month period as part of the ongoing onboarding training process.
  • When building your roadmap, keep the following objectives in mind:
    • Help new hires quickly settle into a new role: Speed is essential. The longer an integration process “drags” on, the greater the likelihood an employee will leave the company.
    • Help them gain an understanding of their responsibilities: Onboarding training must result in a clear understanding of expectations, roles, and responsibilities.
    • Help them adapt and integrate organizational culture: With virtual workforces more diverse than ever, the hybrid onboarding process needs to focus on effectively integrating and assimilating new hires, with diverse backgrounds and skills, into the organizational culture.
    • Create an environment where they can thrive and become productive quickly (Time-to-productivity): With proper training, coaching, mentoring, and L&P support systems in place, virtual new hires can integrate faster, become productive members of a team quicker, and have longer careers with the company.
    • Create psychological safety: Due to time and distance challenges, remote work can be especially stressful, often leading to quits and resignations. Your roadmap must allow for appropriate mental, physiological, and emotional support to encourage employee retention.

Elevate your hybrid workforce training programs:

Here are six tactics to help you elevate your hybrid onboarding strategy:

  1. Assisting trainers/managers with hybrid induction and onboarding:Because hybrid work may (potentially) require employees to also attend in-person sessions at the office, it’s important to address those aspects during induction and onboarding.
  2. Investing in an L&P Ecosystem:Investing in Learning & Performance Ecosystems ensures that, once onboarding is complete, there’s a framework in place for your hybrid workforce to pursue a journey of continuous learning and development. L&P Ecosystems act as a guidepost to fuel ongoing organizational growth.
  3. Leveraging social learning:Because hybrid employees are dispersed (geographically, and by time and distance) from traditional onboarding training support systems, L&D leaders can leverage social learning to provide such support. Enabling mobile onboarding processes, supported by learning apps, also helps with group based learning. Social learning provides hybrid employees access to learning communities and social learning portals, that they can tap into for specific learning topics, during (and beyond) their onboarding journey.
  4. Immersive learning:Because onboarding sets the tone for what employees may expect during their time with the organization, it’s important to “spice up” that experience for the new hire. Unfortunately, it’s challenging to keep hybrid learners engaged. Immersive learning as part of hybrid onboarding strategies, such as gamification, scenario based learning, story based learning, and VR/AR and 3D Simulations, helps bridge that gap.
  5. Blended learning for coaching/mentoring/feedback:Onboarding is a critical stage in the new hire’s time with the organization. At times, hybrid employees may desire more mentoring, coaching, and feedback, than had they been at the office, and in person. A blended learning approach to onboarding, using a mix of Instructor-Led and Virtual Instructor-Led Training (ILT/VILT), may prove more effective in such cases than fully self-regulated learning.
  6. DEI training:Ensure that your hybrid onboarding program also includes aspects of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) training. DEI challenges may manifest themselves more so in a hybrid environment because staff, managers, and colleagues are dispersed and separated by time and distance. In such an environment, it’s easy for preconceived biases to creep into the workplace. A well-designed DEI program drives positive behavioral change and ensures employees feel appreciated and included as part of the workplace.

Best Practices for Designing an Engaging and Effective Induction Program

Developing an effective induction program involves several key practices:

  • Customize to Fit Individual Needs:

    Tailor the program to address the specific roles and backgrounds of new hires.

  • Blend Learning Methods:

    Combine traditional and digital learning tools to cater to diverse learning preferences.

  • Promote Engagement:

    Use interactive elements like quizzes and role-playing to keep the program engaging.

  • Implement Feedback Mechanisms:

    Include regular opportunities for new hires to provide feedback on the training process.

  • Continuous Improvement:

    Regularly update and refine the program based on feedback and changing organizational needs.

  • Mentorship and Support:

    Assign mentors to provide guidance and support to new employees.

  • Cultural Integration:

    Emphasize the company’s culture and values to foster a sense of belonging.

  • Monitor and Evaluate:

    Continuously assess the effectiveness of the program and make necessary adjustments.

Here are 7 examples from our repository at EI that illustrate how you can transition your existing face-to-face corporate induction and onboarding program to a fully online/blended solution.

Example 1 – Virtual Reality Experience as Part of the EI Induction Program

  • Virtual Reality experiences using 360-degree videos with hotspots.
  • Made the induction program an immersive and engaging one.
  • The company section of an induction program was converted to a Virtual Reality experience.
  • Learners could virtually go through the office premises and interact in specific sections.
  • Get relevant and crucial information about the company in a fun and immersive way.


Example 1 – Virtual Reality Experience as Part of the EI Induction Program Scenario 1

Example 1 – Virtual Reality Experience as Part of the EI Induction Program-Scenario 2


Example 2 – The Induction Portal at EI

  • Provided new team members with a quick understanding of their role and what the organization/employer expects from them.
  • The learning journey was broken down into microlearning nuggets like videos, infographics, interactive nuggets, activities, and games.
  • Learners were provided with the option to customize their profile, choose an avatar, upload their photo, and share a description about themselves.
  • Rewards and leaderboards made the learning journey rewarding and improved motivation levels.
  • Could be hosted on a cloud/internal server.
  • Allowed the integration of various learning elements such as videos, PPT decks, PDF documents, and other reference materials.


Example 2 – The Induction Portal at EI- RoadMap

Example 2 – The Induction Portal at EI Overview


Example 3​ – An Induction Program for the Engineers of a Renowned Shopping Mall Conglomerate​

  • Course created to equip newly hired engineers with different processes, procedures, and SOPs of functional units of the mall.
  • It applies Scenario Based Learning with Microlearning formats to support learner types along with Performance Support Tools. ​
  • It uses a set of cast and characters emulating the actual audience to make learning relatable. ​
  • Learning is delivered through interactions between the characters using formats such as interactive cards, videos, and so on. ​


Example 3​ - An Induction Program for the Engineers of a Renowned Shopping Mall Conglomerate​- Description

Example 3​ - An Induction Program for the Engineers of a Renowned Shopping Mall Conglomerate​ Introduction


Example 4 – A Customer Service Training Series for a Leading Global Cinema Chain

  • The course was created to ensure accurate knowledge and awareness to provide consistent and high-quality customer service across different levels of frontline employees. ​
  • Avatar based Personalization driven through Microlearning using just-in-time assets and thematic visuals. ​
  • Provides Personalization elements for learners using relatable avatars.​
  • Adds a layer of Gamification emulating real-time tasks for the much-needed challenge and motivation to meet the learning mandate.


Example 4 – A Customer Service Training Series for a Leading Global Cinema Chain-Scenario 1

Example 4 – A Customer Service Training Series for a Leading Global Cinema Chain- Scenario 2



Example 5 – An Experiential Induction Program for a Global Retail Giant

  • The program was created to develop a fully gamified onboarding training for customer care executives to help them acclimatize with the culture of the organization.
  • It takes Gamification a level higher and uses a complete Virtual Reality (VR) based approach for learning.​
  • The entire course is on a 360-degree platform with VR features. ​
  • Offers Personalization through relatable avatars to drive the learning journey.


Example 5 – An Experiential Induction Program for a Global Retail Giant-Welcome Page

Example 5 – An Experiential Induction Program for a Global Retail Giant -Description



Example 6 – An Induction Program for a Major Cloud Based Video Management System Provider

  • Was a part of a larger blended induction program.
  • Made the target audience aware of the company’s values and principles.
  • Focused on leadership’s vision of the present and the future while driving the importance of principles and values in achieving this vision.
  • Included a character-driven story, lots of videos, scenario-driven activities, interactive exercises, and gamified assessments.


Example 6 – An Induction Program for a Major Cloud Based Video Management System Provider Flowchart

Example 6 – An Induction Program for a Major Cloud Based Video Management System Provider Learning Outcomes



Example 7 – An Induction Program for a Prominent Entertainment Company​

  • To orient employees with the company’s history, policies and benefits, procedures to be followed, and career growth opportunities available to them.
  • A fully gamified approach while mapping themes with the company’s primary lines of business to engage employees and ensure constant engagement.
  • Presenting a guided visual tour, relatable terms, and rich and customized visuals to create a ‘magical’ learning experience. ​
  • Deploying fully custom illustrated visuals for ensuring the required impact in learning. ​


Example 7 – An Induction Program for a Prominent Entertainment Company​ -Introduction 1

Example 7 – An Induction Program for a Prominent Entertainment Company​-Introduction 2


Parting Thoughts

In conclusion, it is important to acknowledge that a well-structured onboarding program not only serves to benefit individual employees but also significantly contributes to enhancing organizational productivity and fostering a positive company culture. Through the adoption of online or blended strategies, one can craft impactful and memorable onboarding experiences.

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