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5 Reasons Why You Should Develop a Personalized Learning Plan

May 16, 2018 | By - Asha Pandey


Personalized learning plan

The adoption of eLearning and Mobile Learning enables organizations to reach a wider audience in significantly short time with a consistent message. However, since the same online course is being offered to heterogenous learner profiles, this may translate to a generic (and not the most relevant) or engaging experience for some learners. Personalized learning plans enable L&D teams to offset this challenge.

With a personalized learning plan, learners get custom and highly relevant learning experience that matches their proficiency and interest areas.

In this blog, I outline the top 5 reasons why you should opt for developing a personalized learning plan. I also share the key benefits that you will see as you adopt it for your learners.

What Are the Top 5 Reasons to Develop a Personalized Learning Plan?

The top 5 reasons why a generic eLearning or Mobile Learning program may not resonate well with all learners are shown here. You will note that each one of them leads to the aspect that why developing a personalized learning plan is the right answer.

  1. One size does not fit all, and learning experience needs to be customized to suit the learner’s expectations: We live in a world of multitasking and need to juggle various mandates at the same time. With severe pressure on time, learners want to spend time on learning experiences that are customized for them and will justify their time spent on them.
  2. Learners have different learning styles: They want a program that allows them the flexibility to choose the approach that works best for them.
  3. Learners come with different proficiency levels: They want the control to pick the nuggets in the learning path they want to learn/need to learn and not having to go through what they already know.
  4. Learners want the flexibility to pick learning elements that interest them: They want the flexibility to explore various learning nuggets and have the option to pick what catches their fancy. They do not want to be bound by the “prescribed learning” path all the time.
  5. Given their role, only a part of the online training is relevant: They not only want the option to peruse other sections but also want the control to select what maps best to their role.

What Are the Benefits You Will See as You Opt to Offer a Personalized Learning Plan?

The key benefits of a personalized learning plan are:

  1. Highly empowered learners as they can set their learning goals and opt for a personalized learning plan.
  2. More relevant information for the learners leads to more engaged learners.
  3. Both the above said factors lead to higher completion rates.
  4. As the personalized learning plan matches learner proficiency and interest, it provides a higher performance gain.
  5. A personalized learning plan can offer specific feedback, remediation, and reinforcement that learners can work on and move up to the required level of mastery.

I hope this blog gives you the required pointers on why you should integrate a personalized learning plan into your online training. If you have any queries, do contact me at apandey@eidesign.net.

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