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5 Killer Examples Of Interactive Videos For Corporate Training

September 19, 2017 | By - Soma Bhaduri


EI Design-5 Killer Examples Of Interactive Videos For Corporate Training

The integration of technology in training has led to a paradigm shift, with interactive videos emerging as a robust tool for high-impact learning. This article explores how interactive videos revolutionize learning, showcasing five effective examples.

How Can You Utilize Interactive Videos in Corporate Training?

Aligning with the 70-20-10 model of learning, interactive videos play a crucial role in experiential and social learning paradigms. When we look at this model of learning, we find that the use of interactive videos maps to formal training and performance support tools, while also enhancing blended training delivery. Furthermore, you can boost the impact of classic videos by up to 10X through interactive videos. They effectively cater to the evolving needs of modern workforces by providing personalized, engaging learning experiences.

Interactive videos provide several advantages, including their ability to deliver high-impact learning, foster learner engagement, accommodate a range of cognition levels, and appeal to different learner profiles. Additionally, they enhance mobile learning solutions, offering cost-effective and high-quality training solutions. Offsetting the limitations of traditional video learning, interactive alternatives provide better engagement, validation, and tracking through AI-driven analytics. This fosters immersive experiences, thereby improving retention and application of knowledge.

When applied to corporate training needs, interactive videos prove imperative across a spectrum of areas including compliance training, soft skills development, leadership training, product training, sales training, behavioral change initiatives, change management programs, and more. Their adaptability and efficiency make them indispensable tools for modern training initiatives.

The Value-Adds of Interactive Video Based Learning

Interactive video learning proves to be far superior to its counterparts. Firstly, it enables the delivery of short, bite-sized learning nuggets, allowing learners to consume content on the go, across various devices. With interactive video based learning, you need to be concerned about the run length of the video. You can focus on the learning outcome and use the rich range of learning interactions to meet the learning mandate.

You can offer branching options (at certain decision points, learners make choices that take them through unique pathways). This approach creates a highly sticky learning experience plus it enables you to move the cognition level to application (from recall or understand). Similar to other learning courses, you can track the learners’ progress as the interactive videos support both SCORM and Tin Can.

Interactive elements within videos foster active learning and skill application, with intermittent checkpoints and assessments reinforcing objectives. AI-driven recommendations also help personalize learning by suggesting customized paths based on learner performance, while AI-driven characters and voiceovers enhance engagement. Investments in adaptability and accessibility through interactive video based learning produce long-term ROI. This enables tailored training via customizable frameworks for enhanced effectiveness in corporate training, leading to improved workforce proficiency and performance.

What Are the Key Features of an Interactive Video Based Framework?

At EI, our interactive video based learning framework helps customers see a 10X impact vis-à-vis traditional video based learning.

Highlights of Our Interactive Video Based Learning Framework

  • Extensive range of interactions that will keep the learners engaged. You can use them to create a sticky learning experience (similar to interactions in a learning course).
  • Wide range of assessment formats that can be used to checkpoint the learner’s knowledge.
  • SCORM/Tin Can output to track the learner’s progress and performance.

Key Features of Our Interactive Video Based Learning Framework

  • Multi-Device Support

The interactive video based learning framework can run seamlessly on the device of the learner’s choice (ranging from desktops or laptops to tablets and smartphones).

  • SCORM And Tin Can Support

Our framework is compatible with SCORM 1.2, 2004, AICC, and Tin Can and can be hosted on LMS/LRS. It can also run as a standalone piece on a web server.

  • A Wide Range of Interactivities and Knowledge Checks

We offer a wide range of learning interactions that learners are used to in traditional learning including:

    • Hotspots
    • Click and Reveal
    • Carousal
    • Drop-down
    • Timed Activity
    • Drag and Drop
    • Branching based on learner decisions
    • Fill in the blanks-based assessments
    • Single choice assessments
    • Multiple choice assessments
  • Learner Analytics

Our interactive video based learning framework provides detailed analysis and reports of the learner’s usage pattern.

  • Performance Indicator

Our framework also shows the performance of the learner, via a visual performance indicator. This tracks the learner’s progress through the learning journey.

  • Gamified Activities

To engage the learner and make it more interesting, we have gamified elements and activities in the framework. The learner can gain points, badges, and trophies as they complete these activities.

  • Flexibility

Our interactive video based learning framework can process any video and make it interactive, but its real power lies in its ability to integrate videos from YouTube and create a learning path to meet specific learning outcomes. The output can be tracked as it is available in a SCORM/Tin Can format.

5 Killer Instances Illustrating the Effectiveness of Interactive Videos in Corporate Training

Here are our 5 killer examples that highlight the effectiveness of interactive videos in the context of corporate training.

Example 1: Interactive Videos to Improve Decision-Making

The Background: Following a merger, a global health service provider was facing an organizational challenge of integrating its employees into the new organization. As a starting point, they wanted a solution to help the employees embody the values of the merged organization.

Our Solution: We crafted video based scenarios that featured live actors. Learners watch different situations play out and apply the values to make the correct decisions and move forward. There was a greater focus on the application of the values in real-world situations.

The Impact: The post-training survey that was taken by over 3800 learners has shown that the training has received a highly favourable response from the target audience.​


Example 1: Interactive Videos to Improve Decision-Making


Example 2: Interactive Videos for an Immersive Blended Learning Experience

The Background: A prestigious institution required high-impact training as part of their larger blended learning curriculum. The ask was to utilize the recorded faculty lectures and convert them into effective learning assets along with other supporting materials.

Our Solution: We used transparent videos of instructors and overlaid them with illustrations, icons, and infographics to create an engaging and immersive learning experience. The interactive videos were paused at specific intervals to check the learners’ understanding with questions.

The Impact: The pilot reviews revealed enhanced results including increased engagement and higher cognition for complex concepts, encouraging the university to continue with subsequent terms in a similar fashion.


Example 2: Interactive Videos for an Immersive Blended Learning Experience


Example 3: Interactive Application Simulation for Quick Assimilation

The Background: A digital transformation technology firm wanted to introduce its new Cloud platform to its employees. The ask was to keep it interactive and easily digestible.

Our Solution: An interactive app sim where learners could navigate through the tabs to view a quick demo video of each step was implemented. Each demo video had crisp on-screen texts with supporting narration to cater to different learning preferences. As an added bonus, the segmented videos also doubled as performance support, allowing learners to access the right video at the right time.

The Impact: Learners reported a better understanding of the software. There was also a considerable reduction in queries and concerns, contributing to reduced time-to-productivity.


Example 3: Interactive Application Simulation for Quick Assimilation


Example 4: Interactive Videos to Promote Binge Learning

The Background: A sports non-profit wanted to build learning interventions to drive awareness among players on the importance of mental health. The learning assets had to fit seamlessly into the fast-paced schedules of the players.

Our Solution: An episodic series with motion graphic videos, interspersed with questions, was developed. This is the ‘modern binge’ learning, with each episode not being more than 2 minutes. Additionally, tips were triggered through the notification icon in the UI at relevant junctures.

The Impact: Higher engagement was observed through the number of views and replays and the number of episodes consumed in a day.


Example 4: Interactive Videos to Promote Binge Learning


Example 5: Interactive Videos to Prompt Reflection

The Background: A DEI consulting company wanted a training solution to equip learners with tools and frameworks to identify and address unconscious biases at work, fostering a more inclusive environment. The training had to be foundational yet immersive.

Our Solution: The training included videos featuring real speakers as a springboard for critical reflection. After listening to the speaker, learners had to answer a few questions about the speaker, to understand the common biases and where they stem from.

The Impact: Learners reported that the videos were a good starting point to identifying their own biases and beliefs.


Example 5: Interactive Videos to Prompt Reflection


Parting Thoughts

On a concluding note, interactive videos offer personalized, engaging learning experiences that align with modern training methodologies and drive improvements in workforce efficiency. By addressing the limitations of traditional video learning and catering to diverse learner profiles, interactive videos ensure long-term ROI and pave the way for a transformative approach to training. With our customizable framework and the showcased examples, it’s evident that interactive videos are poised to revolutionize the corporate training landscape.

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