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Benefits of User Generated Content (UGC) in eLearning

February 7, 2018 | By - Asha Pandey


User Generated Content

What is User Generated Content (UGC) for eLearning?

User Generated Content (UGC) for eLearning refers to any form of content created by users (or learners) and can be used to support both formal and informal learning.

What is driving it is the availability of social media channels and online platforms (learning portals that offer content curation as well as user contributions) through which this can be shared.

This can include wide-ranging options and formats like:

  • Videos
  • Blogs
  • Podcasts
  • Images
  • Infographics
  • Quizzes

How can User Generated Content (UGC) for eLearning be used by organisations?

Digital revolution has triggered the proliferation of smartphones and tablets. Their usage for formal learning is an established part of most organisation’s L&D strategy.

User Generated Content is being used to support informal and social learning as it can be used effectively to provide:

  1. Additional information to support a given training program
  2. Tips (on problem solving through real and relatable information)
  3. Different viewpoints (notably to support a new initiative or a change management initiative)
  4. Sharing research

What are the benefits of User Generated Content (UGC) for eLearning?

If we look at the development of eLearning, it was traditionally a tool by L&D teams requiring a set of professionals to create it.

Integrating User Generated Content for eLearning marks a shift in this approach wherein organisations are encouraging users (Subject Matter Specialists, in particular) to create or share content.

  • The organisations see this as an approach to capture the knowledge and expertise that may be with some specialists or Subject Matter Experts that can be made available to the entire organisation.
  • To leverage this further and to ensure that it can be pulled on demand, these can be catalogued and made searchable.

Benefits for organisations

  1. It encourages active participation from the users and when leveraged right, it can provide invaluable support to both formal and informal training. Specifically, it:
    1. Can augment formal training.
    2. Can be used to offer or support informal training.
  2. It is being acknowledged as a significant approach to promote an inclusive learning culture in an organisation.
  3. They can leverage on SMEs to create supporting assets and make them accessible across the organisation.
  4. They can capture it in easy to create formats and then offer to the entire organisation over the intranet.

Benefits for learners

  1. User Generated Content (UGC) for eLearning encourages users (or learners) to share their experiences with peers and other stakeholders.
  2. Recognition for users
  3. Better acceptability
  4. Real and relevant
  5. On demand
  6. Can be pulledrather than the traditional push


Over time, usage of User Generated Content (UGC) for eLearning may become an important training tool for organisations. However, it will take time and will need to go through an evolutionary process before it can deliver the intended value. You can test waters with small steps and as you see increase in its adoption, you can plan for further growth. If you have any specific queries, do contact me at apandey@eidesign.net.

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