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8 Tips on Content Curation to enhance its impact

November 29, 2017 | By - Asha Pandey


8 Tips on Content Curation to enhance its impact

Today, we are spoilt for choice in all aspects of life and this holds good for information and learning assets that are available to employees. This means that they have a high number sources of  information but they end up spending lot of time to find the right piece that can truly help them in the moment of their need. This is exactly where Content Curation fits in.

In this blog, I share what is Content Curation and outline simple process steps that you can use to create a curated knowledge bank.

What is Content Curation?

At EI, we identified possibilities of using Content Curation to address learner needs a couple of years ago. While there are many ways to define it, this is how we see this exercise:

“To identify, sift through, group and organise information so that it offers relevant and easy to peruse content through a portal or a platform”.

What is the process of Content Curation?

Let me first expand upon the definition and list out key aspects:

  1. Identify the most suitable content from your internal knowledge bank or from external links
  2. Review, sift and filter so that what you share with learners is handpicked and relevant
  3. Share it and make it accessible to learners through a portal or a platform
  4. Add further value to this curated content by providing context, detailing its applicability or adding expert comments

Are there any simple tips that can be used to enhance the impact of Content Curation in your organisation?

As you begin this exercise, here are 8 tips for you:

  1. Designate an individual or a team who is responsible for the exercise (identifying the Content Curator). Content Curator is responsible for ensuring that curated content is designed to support the organisational training mandate.
  2. Empanel a set of experts who can enhance the value of curated content (through expert comments, context-setting, application discussion, etc.)
  3. Create a platform or learning portal to deliver your curated content.
  4. Plan for flexibility to not only prescribe learning paths but also enable users to create their own learning paths.
  5. Plan for a Social learning component that enables users to recommend and share this information.
  6. Plan for archiving so that your curated content can be retrieved later.
  7. Plan for an inclusive learning approach and ensure that users can contribute to keeping the portal current and relevant. (Of course, this would need validation by the Content Curator before the contribution can be made available to other users).
  8. Last but not the least, seek feedback from users to ascertain how can this process be improved continuously.

I hope this blog provides insights on how Content Curation and gives you tips that you can use begin the process curating content

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