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8 Ways To Improve Your Sales Online Training Today

April 10, 2017 | By - Asha Pandey


Ways to Improve Your Sales Online Training today - Chris

Is your sales team achieving their targets? Or do they need a little help to seal the deal? In this article, I’ll share 8 ways to improve your sales online training without further ado. 

How To Improve Your Sales Online Training Today

Your sales staff must promote your products, keep customers informed, and have a knack for negotiations. But how do you give them the skill-building resources they need to achieve their sales goals? Here are 8 tips and techniques to improve your sales online training today. Because there’s no time like the present!

1. Use Case Studies To Keep It Real And Relevant

Case studies tie online training into real-world uses and benefits. As such, sales staff is more motivated to actively participate and absorb the information. You can also incorporate real-world examples and emotionally compelling stories to emphasize practical applications. However, all of these online training activities should cater to individual online training needs. For example, the employee’s job role, common workplace challenges, and performance gaps. This requires in-depth audience research, such as pre-assessments, manager evaluations, and employee surveys. In addition, use relatable images, cut-out characters, and sound effects to create a more immersive online training experience.

2. Create A “Just In Time” Online Training Library

“Just in time” online training resources are easily accessible and targeted to employees’ needs. They can access these online training tools whenever the need arises, which allows them to bridge performance gaps and solve work-related challenges on the spot. These online training tools usually fall into the category of “microlearning”. For example, 5-minute online video demos that feature the benefits and specs of your newest product line. You can even repurpose existing online training content to create a “moment of need” repository. For instance, convert a half-hour online presentation into 5 mini-seminars. Each section features a different sub-topic or skill that employees need in order to complete the task.

3. Start A Sales Social Media Group

Your sales employees probably use social media on a daily basis already. So, why not use this powerful networking tool to enhance your sales online training? Create a closed social media group and invite your sales team to join. They can share their ideas, upload helpful resource links, and provide their feedback. This is also the place where they receive the latest company updates. For example, news about the product launch next month or company policies changes that affect their job duties. In addition to a social media group, start a corporate eLearning blog or online discussions where sales employees can collaborate with peers.

4. Give Your Sales Employees A Pop Quiz

Never underestimate the power of a pop quiz. These impromptu online training assessments help you gauge sales staff knowledge and identify gaps. As a result, you’re able to provide employees with the personalized online training resources they need to improve their performance. Self-assessments are also a great addition to your sales online training course. Employees have the opportunity to determine their own strengths and weaknesses, then access your microlearning online training library to build essential skills and knowledge. Just make sure that you follow up each online training assessment with immediate feedback. Otherwise, unfavorable behaviors or cognitions will continue to hinder workplace productivity.

5. Reevaluate Your Current Online Training Course Design

Take a closer look at your current online training course design to identify areas for improvement. It may be something as simple as breaking the text into bullet lists or altering the color scheme. One of the most effective evaluation tools at your disposal is LMS metrics. Most Learning Management Systems have built-in LMS reports. As such, you can track everything from employee engagement to completion rates. Analyze the graphs and charts to see how employees are faring, and if any online training modules or activities require fine-tuning.

6. Host A “Catch Up” Webinar

Webinars offer a myriad of benefits. They’re interactive, engaging, and inspirational, especially if the host has a detailed outline to keep the conversation on track. Choose an effective video conferencing tool, send out the evites, and record the event for those who are unable to attend. You might consider a weekly or monthly “catch up” webinar where you share the latest updates and get continual input from your employees. These frequent live events also give you the ability to foster teamwork, as sales staff can interact with colleagues and exchange valuable information.

7. Conduct An Impromptu Poll Or Mini-Survey

Many organizations are unaware of deficiencies in their sales online training. A poll or brief online survey helps you gather valuable input from your remote employees. For example, are they really satisfied with the online training course layout? Do they need more interactivity or practical application? These polls may take just a few minutes of their time but they can reveal online training strengths and weaknesses you may not be aware of. You can reward them for their participation by holding a contest or offering points, if you opt for a gamification strategy.

8. Host An Engaging Podcast

Podcasts serve as great microlearning resources and knowledge refreshers. They can also be produced relatively quickly. Write a brief outline that focuses on a specific sales training topic, record the narration, and then publish the finished product. You can even ask an in-house Subject Matter Expert to guest host or invite knowledgeable sales staff members to offer their unique expertise. You’ll gradually build a podcast series that covers a new topic each week. Catalog your entire collection by category, and include links to supplemental resources for each episode.

These 8 tips can help you improve the effectiveness of your sales online training sooner rather than later, which means that you can start increasing company profits and employee satisfaction without further delay. Gamification is also worth considering, even if it’s a more involved, long-term approach. This involves adding points, badges, and levels to your online training course design, thereby providing extra incentives to employees who may lack motivation or drive.

Product knowledge training also contributes to increasing your company’s profits, among others. Read the article 6 Reasons To Create Product Knowledge Online Training Courses to discover the main reasons why product knowledge online training can improve your organization’s bottom line by keeping employees “up-to-date” about new products.

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