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6 Tips To Create A Communication Strategy For Compliance Online Training

February 9, 2017 | By - Asha Pandey


6 Tips to Create a Communication Strategy

Are you sending a clear compliance message to your corporate learners? More importantly, is that message engaging your employees? In this article, I’ll share 6 tips for creating an effective communication strategy for compliance online training.

How To Create A Communication Strategy For Compliance Online Training

Compliance online training is already challenging enough. Employees rarely look forward to the online training experience, and your L&D team must continually update the online training content to include industry changes. In short, nobody really likes dealing with compliance online training courses. The good news is that you can make the process more enjoyable for everyone involved with an effective communication strategy for compliance online training. Here are 6 tips to clearly convey company policy and keep employees in-the-know about regulatory standards without boring them to tears.

1. Keep The Lines Of Communication Open With Microlearning

Ultimately, compliance online training can be broken down into two distinct categories: comprehensive and reinforcement. Comprehensive compliance online training courses are usually full-length. They involve online training modules, activities, and assessments that cover a topic in great detail. This makes them ideal for onboarding online training and annual refresher online training courses. Reinforcement compliance online training consists of bite-sized online training content that is quick and convenient. Employees have the ability to access online training activities whenever and wherever. These reinforcements also keep communication open between the organization and its employees. For example, informing them of new local regulations or company policies. Microlearning should be easily digestible and accessible. So, make it mobile-friendly and focus on specific tasks or learning goals for each online training activity.

2. Host Monthly Online Catch-Up Meetings

Monthly online meetings offer you the opportunity to check in with your employees to ensure they’re getting adequate online training. It also allows you to reinforce important compliance topics or procedures that are high on your priority list. For example, issues that arose during the last evaluation. Video conferencing tools are the ideal platform for online training events. You can interact with your employees directly, answer questions, and test their knowledge. In addition, monthly online catch up meetings are a chance for your staff to discuss concerns they may be having and improve their understanding. For instance, a member of your customer service team has an issue with your return process. They have the ability to broach the topic during the online meeting and learn tips to make the task easier. The employee can even find out why your organization put this procedure in place.

3. Start A Corporate eLearning Blog For Compliance Online Training

Corporate eLearning blogs offer the perfect blend of spontaneous and structured learning. They give you the ability communicate with your employees in a more conversational and informal tone. You can still guide the online discussion by writing targeted posts, which enhances your compliance online training. However, it’s not enough to simply set up a blog and post occasionally. You must be consistent and focus on specific tasks and learning objectives. For example, this week your online content centers on health and safety regulations. Employees have the chance to ask questions and share their thoughts via the comments section. There are plenty of free blogging platforms to choose from, which means that you’ll need to do your homework and research the features. Look for a tool that offers built-in apps and templates so that you can customize your corporate eLearning blog.

4. Keep Employees In The Loop

Employees need to know about the latest compliance protocols as quickly as possible. But they must also be able to offer their own input. Conduct surveys, questionnaires, and interviews on a regular basis to get their feedback. They are the ones dealing with customers and clients daily and utilizing the policies that you put into effect. As such, they are going to be able to tell you what’s working, what’s not, and what you should do about. Soliciting their input also makes them feel like their voices are being heard. Their opinions and thoughts matter to your organization. This increases workplace satisfaction and employee retention. Plus, you get the insights you need to improve your compliance online training strategy and workplace efficiency.

5. Sync Up On Social Media

Corporate eLearning blogs should be updated on a regular basis, but your employees may need even more interaction. In this case, social media is the ideal option. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and even YouTube allow you to reach out to your employees round-the-clock. Many also feature groups that create a sense of community. For example, only members of your Facebook group can participate in the online discussion and access links. There are a variety of social media platforms to choose from. As such, you may want to focus on one or two and make employees aware of your presence. Embed social media icons into your compliance online training course and encourage them to follow your page. Social networking sites are great for conducting polls and sharing valuable online resources, as well.

6. Use Analytics To Find The Right Communication Vehicle

Although there is a broad range of communication and social media platforms, you must determine which is right for your organization. You could conduct surveys and polls to learn about employee preferences. However, analytics are a powerful tool that can help you choose the perfect communication vehicle. For example, you aren’t getting many visits to your Facebook page. This may indicate that people simply don’t know about it or they are using another social media platform. As a result, you either promote your profile or switch to another social media site. Analytics prevents you from wasting time and resources on ineffective communication methods. They can help you identify the most direct way to interact with your employees based on their preferences.

The secret to a successful communication strategy for compliance online training is keeping the lines of communication open. You can use these compliance online training communication tips to ensure that your employees are up to speed and up to code. Remember that transparency is of the upmost importance. Employees must feel like they are part of the process and that their opinions matter. So, get them involved by conducting surveys, posting blogs, and starting social media groups.

Is your compliance online training strategy truly effective? Or is it time to go back to the drawing board in order to boost employee engagement? Read the article Top 5 Compliance Online Training Best Practices to discover the top practices for creating effective compliance online training courses.

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