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Turn Passivity To Interactivity: How To Use Interactive Videos For Learner Engagement

September 6, 2016 | By - Asha Pandey


EI Design How To Use Interactive Videos For Learner Engagement

The popularity of videos and increased use of mobile learning or mLearning have led to extensive usage of videos in online training. Even though videos appeal to the learners, they are passive. This article highlights how to use interactive videos for learner engagement by negating that passivity.

Using Interactive Videos For Learner Engagement

Why use interactive videos for learner engagement? Well, videos are one of the most popular media driving the communication space today; and if the numbers are anything to go by, their influence is only going to get stronger in the years to come.

A Cisco report states that by 2019, 80% of the internet traffic worldwide will be driven by videos. They have a great social media presence and this is firmly established by the fact that Facebook records 8 billion video views every day. They are also extremely popular with Millennials workforce (80% of Millennials refer to videos when trying to research/make a purchase decision).

These are magical numbers for Learning and Development professionals who are experimenting with ways to leverage on the power of videos and craft learning solutions, especially for learners who would like to learn on mobile devices on the go.

Why Does Passivity Of Video Impact Serious Learning And How Can Interactive Videos Address This?

Passivity of videos can weigh down a serious learning experience (hampering the learners’ progress in meeting a specific learning outcome). This challenge becomes even more significant when:

    1. The run length of the video runs into a few minutes and the learner may find the session to be rather monotonous.
    2. The learners are required to learn, apply, and analyze (that is, achieve higher levels of cognition).

However, the interactive video format can offset these challenges and flip learner passivity to learning activity.

This is possible because Interactive videos:

    • Come with a proven 10X impact compared to normal videos.
    • Facilitate pausing of the video at specific instances and introducing learner interactions. These could be letting learners take a decision or bringing in interactions for a personalized learning experience.
    • Ensure that they remain engaged all the way to the end. The frequent interactivities are likely to keep them hooked at regular intervals, resulting in greater learner engagement.

Statistics reveal that on average 47% of the viewers watch a video till the end, which means that a majority (53%) of the viewers lose interest and opt out of the video even before they see the key message. A study found that with interactive videos, 35% of the businesses saw a better conversion rate and 25% reported better business turnaround in terms of revenue.

How Can You Use Interactive Videos For Learner Engagement And Achieve Clear Learning Outcomes?

As I have outlined, usage of interactive videos can create an engaging learning experience that will enable you to move the cognition levels from recall and retention to application and analysis.

At EI, we have created a customizable interactive video framework that allows us to integrate learning interaction levels that closely mimic the interactions of a traditional eLearning or mLearning course. In contrast to the several online solutions, our framework provides a highly interactive solution, which:

    • Can be customized further, if required.
    • Is designed to work across multiple platforms such as desktops, tablets, and smartphones (iOS and Android).
    • Supports AICC, SCORM 1.2, 2004, and TinCan. It can be hosted on Learning Management System (LMS) /Learning Record Store (LRS) or run as a standalone piece on a web server.
    • Comes with SCORM related features such as completion, time, resume, and scoring in LMS/LRS.

View this Showreel (designed as a microlearning nugget) that provides a walk-through on the various features of our interactive video framework and how you can use its interaction points to enhance the learning experience and engage your learners.

Interaction points for learners: Our framework facilitates integration of several interactivity types, including:

1. Hotspots.

EI Interactive video Hot Spot

2. Carousel.

EI Interactive video Carousel

3. Button Click.

EI Interactive video Button Click

4. Drag And Drop.

EI Interactive video drag and drop

5. Fill In The Blanks.

EI Interactive video fill the blanks

6. Single Choice Assessments.

EI Interactive video single choice question

7. Multiple Choice Assessments.

EI Interactive video multiple choice question

How Do Interactive Videos Fare Against Other Engaging Approaches Like Microlearning, Scenario-Based Learning, And Gamification?

The interactive video based approach can leverage on existing proven techniques like microlearning, scenario-based learning, and gamification.

In fact, you can multiply the impact of interactive videos using these techniques as follows:

1. Microlearning.

You can design interactive videos as microlearning nuggets (individual or a series connected in a learning path).

2. Branching Scenarios And Decision Making Simulations.

You can have branching scenarios that take learners through different paths basis the decisions they make. These simulations work as “safe environments” for learners to explore and understand the consequences of the choices they make.

3. Gamification.

You can integrate elements of gamification in the scores of the assessments (badges or other forms of incentives) to further engage the learners.

I hope this article has helped you understand the learning impact you can create by using the power of interactive videos in your eLearning or mobile learning solutions. You can integrate approaches of microlearning, gamification, and scenarios for decision making to further their impact and achieve the required learning outcomes. If you have any questions, do contact me.

Check out our other blogs related to millennials workforce, learner engagement, interactive videos, gamification and mirolearning that you may find it interesting.

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