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7 Tips to Support the Delivery of Virtual Induction and Onboarding Training

December 16, 2020 | By - Asha Pandey


Traditionally, organizations worked with centralized corporate training centers where they delivered Instructor-Led Induction Training (ILT) for their new employees.

However, COVID-19 has created a pressing need for learners to continue learning from home (or other venues away from the “office”). With a majority of the new hires now working from home, it is imperative to include virtual Induction and Onboarding Training to the new hire training strategy.

In this Infographic, we share 7 tips that will help you support the delivery of your virtual Induction and Onboarding Training program.


7 Tips to Support the Delivery of Virtual Induction and Onboarding Training


With changed workplace dynamics, the traditional ILT solutions necessarily need to be reconsidered and organizations must adopt a dynamic and scalable approach to induct and onboard their employees virtually.

A lot of times while the program may have been structured well, its implementation is patchy. This not only tarnishes the image of the organization but also leads new employees to re-think their decision of continuing with the organization.

We are sure that the tips shared in this Infographic will help you support the delivery of your virtual Induction and Onboarding Training program.

Want to learn more? Reach out to us.

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