Home :: Insights :: 8 Best Practices for Delivering Training in a Blended Learning Mode

8 Best Practices for Delivering Training in a Blended Learning Mode

August 26, 2020 | By - Asha Pandey


While Virtual Training transformation could be a combination of several strategies, the prevailing trend is a journey, where the elements of training gradually shift from primarily Instructor-Led Training (ILT) to Virtual Instructor-Led Training (VILT), Blended and ultimately, to a Blended Fully Self-paced Training model.

As you can determine from the name, Blended Learning is the “middle of the road” approach between the fully facilitated Instructor-Led Training (ILT) and self-paced, learner-driven online training. As a result, it offers the best of both training delivery formats. It is also referred to as “hybrid training.”

Given the nature of the training, dynamics, content type and so on, you can arrive at the blend that will help you meet the program and learning mandate in the most optimal manner. In this Infographic, we share 8 best practices for delivering training in a Blended Learning mode.


8 Best Practices for Delivering Training in a Blended Learning Mode



Blended learning solutions offer the optimal combination of a classic form of training (ILT that has changed to VILT mode, given the changed workplace and work from home workforce) plus Self-paced Online Training.
• The degree of the blend is primarily decided by looking at the nature of the content and how learners respond to the mixed mode.
• Additionally, you need to look at the readiness of technology and deployment.
• Finally, you need to have adequate support measures to support the learners as well as the trainers through the transition of the facilitated mode to Blended Learning solutions.
We are sure that this Infographic will give you the required cues on how you can use the 8 best practices for delivering high-impact and engaging training in a Blended Learning mode.

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