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7 Next Gen Gamification Techniques You Should Adopt to Enhance the Impact of Your Corporate Training

July 1, 2020 | By - Asha Pandey


With the maturing of Gamification techniques, the focus is now shifting toward Next Gen Gamification solutions.

Our Next Gen Gamification solutions build up from the success of current approaches. For instance,

  • From simple points or badges and leaderboards, you have more complex narratives that engage and challenge the learners.
  • We leverage existing approaches like Apps for learning or Microlearning to offer Personalized and more challenging learning experiences.
  • Similarly, we mesh immersive strategies like VR with Gamification concepts to multiply the impact.

In this Infographic, we share 7 Next Gen Gamification techniques that will surely enhance the impact of your corporate training programs.


How to Leverage Our Learning and Performance Ecosystem to Create an Immersive Virtual Learning Experience


With the increased adoption of Gamification techniques for serious learning, the focus is now shifting toward Next Gen Gamification solutions.

The Next Gen Gamification solutions build up from the existing and current approaches of Gamification. You can leverage the combination/adaptation of successful learning strategies to multiply the impact of Gamification.

We are sure that the 7 Next Gen Gamification techniques shared in this Infographic will take the learner engagement a level higher and help you achieve your training goals.

Reach out to us.


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