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5 Key Aspects to Consider to Make Your Remote Training a Success

May 20, 2020 | By - Asha Pandey


All of us are reeling under the impact of Coronavirus. What is adding to our woes is the fact that we still do not know when this will end and what would be its eventual impact on the people, businesses, and global economy.

However, there is one thing to draw comfort from. Each disruption brings in opportunity and more often than not, it:

  • Pushes us to rethink the current approach.
  • Reignites the need to look at different and unexplored options.
  • Helps in trimming and fine-tuning existing approaches.

Even though the overall impact of the crisis is still unfolding, there are several aspects L&D teams need to process immediately, notably, engaging and training the workforce working remotely – as many of them are new to this mode.

In this Infographic, we share some simple aspects that you should factor for as you go for virtual or remote training.


Infographic: 5 Key Aspects to Consider to Make Your Remote Training a Success


We hope this Infographic provides inputs that you can use to offer successful remote learning through virtual and online trainings.

Contact us to see how we provide just-in-time support for L&D teams and business units to effectively respond to the COVID-19 crisis. Reach out to us.


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