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Free eBook: COVID-19 – Survival Guide for L&D Teams – Featuring Tips, Strategies, and an Action Plan to Handle the Challenge

May 13, 2020 | By - Asha Pandey


Free eBook: COVID-19 - Survival Guide for L&D Teams - Featuring Tips, Strategies, and an Action Plan to Handle the Challenge

My eBook, COVID-19: Survival Guide For L&D Teams Featuring Tips, Strategies, And An Action Plan To Handle The Challenge, is packed with insights and ideas you can use as you realign your learning strategies and online training delivery.

While the overall impact of COVID-19 is still unfolding (on each one of us, business, and the global economy), it is clearly redefining the workplace, the way training needs to be delivered, and how its impact and effectiveness should be measured.

In this eBook, COVID-19 – Survival Guide for L&D Teams – Featuring Tips, Strategies, and an Action Plan to Handle the Challenge, I put myself in the shoes of the L&D Managers and Leaders and look at what can be done in these extraordinary circumstances.

Designed as a COVID-19 Survival Guide for L&D Teams, I share practical tips, strategies, and a simple 3-step action plan that you can use to manage and mitigate the current challenges.

Here’s what Christopher Pappas, Founder of eLearning Industry’s Network, has to say about my eBook:

“The impact of COVID-19 on businesses is real, but that does not mean we have to panic. Being prepared and showing resilience is vital.

The good thing is that during a crisis, there is always an opportunity that opens up new areas for growth. In this eBook, Asha manages to give valuable insights into how to use eLearning strategies to survive through these strange times.”

Do download my free eBook, COVID-19 – Survival Guide for L&D Teams – Featuring Tips, Strategies, and an Action Plan to Handle the Challenge

Related Webinar

I also conducted a Webinar on the same topic. You can access the recording here – COVID-19 – Survival Guide for L&D Teams – Featuring Tips, Strategies, and an Action Plan to Handle the Challenge

Table of Contents of the eBook, COVID-19 – Survival Guide for L&D Teams – Featuring Tips, Strategies, and an Action Plan to Handle the Challenge

I have designed the eBook into 4 sections as shown here:

  • Section 1: COVID-19 – The impact of disruption – How should L&D teams handle the changing workplace dynamics.
  • Section 2: Leading in disruption – How can L&D teams help employees and leaders effectively react and respond to the crisis.
  • Section 3: Dealing with disruption – Tips and strategies that L&D teams can use.
  • Section 4: Mitigating the challenges – Through an effective 3-step action plan.

Section 1: COVID-19 – The impact of disruption – How should L&D teams handle the changing workplace dynamics.

The section begins with the changing dynamics, the need for remote operations, and the challenges of managing teams that are working fully from home.

It addresses two important questions:

  1. Remote operations – What are the issues it addresses and what challenges does it pose for L&D teams?
  2. Impact on the workplace – Will it be dramatically different in the short term and long term?

Section 2: Leading in disruption – How can L&D teams help employees and leaders effectively react and respond to the crisis.

This section outlines how L&D teams can effectively contribute to the business by helping employees and leaders handle the changed dynamics. It looks at two important perspectives:

  1. How can L&D teams support the employees to manage the changed work dynamics?
  2. How can L&D teams enable and empower leaders in disruption?

Section 3: Dealing with disruption – Tips and strategies that L&D teams can use.

This section begins with the possible impact of COVID-19, notably,

  1. Impact of COVID-19 on the workplace – Will it lead to a changed workplace?
  2. Impact of COVID-19 on the L&D teams – What challenges are they facing and will need to field in the near future?

It then outlines that in the midst of the crisis, how exactly can they help both the employees and business manage the disruption and extend support that would enable them to handle these dynamics. The section outlines several tips and strategies that would help L&D teams in this endeavor.

Section 4: Mitigating the challenges – Through an effective 3-step action plan.

To successfully implement the strategies recommended by me, I share a simple 3-step action plan.

  • Step 1: Invest on foundational aspects and key enablers.
  • Step 2: Integrate tips to train remotely and enhance the training impact.
  • Step 3: Move away from discrete training delivery and switch to an Agile and Dynamic Learning and Performance Support Ecosystem.

To summarize, with a global crisis of this scale, there are no easy answers on what would work. I hope my eBook, COVID-19 – Survival Guide for L&D Teams – Featuring Tips, Strategies, and an Action Plan to Handle the Challenge, gives you the cues that will help the L&D teams to not only survive the crisis but emerge stronger. I am sure these cues will also be useful as you re-strategize to face the changed workplace dynamics – expected to be a key outcome of the pandemic.

Do download my eBook, COVID-19 – Survival Guide for L&D Teams – Featuring Tips, Strategies, and an Action Plan to Handle the Challenge

If you have queries on how to implement any one of the strategies featured here, or how to create a custom action plan for your organization, do contact me.


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